Through    2020 - A year Like No Other

Since my beloved Viki's passing in February and the Covid-19 outbreaks in March, Year 2020 is not looking good.  I've been in a self-imposed isolation. Food shopping and almost all else now is becoming an On-Line activity.   This Sucks.  I began grieving for my singular loss and was soon joined in grief by a planet in the grip of a pandemic.

Been keeping busy sorting through paperwork and tying lose ends.
What should be quick and simple tasks now feels like rowing through peanut butter.  No doubt my head's a little foggy but most delays and frustrations are due to the pandemic. 

The twinge of loss gets refreshed frequently.
I  limit exposure to the chaos and news.   Every loss is profound and significant to someone.   Popular news programs now and again conclude with memorial  segments, tributes that humanize the growing multitudes lost to Covid-19.  Misery has lots of company.

If it's in you and so real.... you gotta let it out.
Grief will come out, one way or another.  Writing Helps.

Anniversary - July 28th 2020 would have been our 30th  wedding anniversary. I added a few web pages to the Vikiron tribute website, a way to honor her in this crazy time of Covid pandemic.   The efforts to write sometimes trigger a few emotional storms.   I count them as positive emotes, forward progress. 

Many have it worse.   A world of hurt and grief is out in the open.  One small consolation; it's much easier to discover a podcast, read a blog or book, watch / listen to programs, or surf websites that explore peoples different orientations towards death, loss and grief.   Exposure to different philosophies, religions - beliefs and personal experiences help shape perspective. 

New perspectives can be encouraging, fortifying, maybe bring insight, comfort or a smile. Here are a few  Inspiriting Points of View  I explored: 
Nora McInerny 's  book & blog:  “I'm Doing Terrible, But Thanks for Asking,”.   

While listening to BBC I was moved by the extraordinary story of the Wind Phone in Otsuchi, Japan (a phone booth where people can call the dead.)   
   Powerful Stuff.

From  Pema Chödrön,   American Tibetan Buddhist,  teacher, and author of  When Things Fall Apart.   “If you are invested in security and certainty, you are on the wrong planet.”    - [The Buddhist seems to have nailed it.]

     In the midst of her own medical bout with MB-Cancer,  California Cousin Suzanne has the heart-instinct and grace to reach out.   We spoke of family and old times.  Suzanne exudes  a very  positive calm spiritual energy.   She sometimes channels it towards Sacred Art,  generating one-of-a-kind Mandala's for friends and clients.   I'm thrilled Suzanne offered to create a new piece for me.  

  It's difficult to feel the passage of time.  This has it's pros and cons specially while in the midst of a pandemic.

The calendar says Fall.
I push myself out early mornings for a brisk walk.  Wish it would get cooler. Depending on my route and time, I get to see, wave to, and sometimes even speak with a local jogger, cyclist, or neighborhood walker (some with, some without pets);  all at 6+ feet distance    Hell of a social life.

10/05/20 - Delivery.    Cousin Suzanne's creation arrived safely. 
The Mandala is Extraordinary.     You know that spontaneous grin that forms from really deep  delight?   That's my reaction to first reveal.
It's beyond anything I imagined.     I Love it.

It's title - inscription is poetic, a form of invocation:

“We are resilient light beings
      In these human bodies,
Opening to life at every moment.”

Take A Closer Look Here 

The traditional Holiday Season is around a short corner and will be like no other.  I thought of a few Thanksgivings and Christmas' past.  Some of the oldest recollections have vivid details, like they occurred last week.  [But please don't ask me what I had for dinner three nights ago].

Suzanne's parents hosted Thanksgiving Dinners for decades.  They were beyond banquets. Aunt Emma was also a world class baker.  Her Kolachi and other European cakes, cookies and pastries were extraordinary.   I've never had better.

…................and after some reminiscing on the phone, Suzanne asked which Kolachi filling was my  favorite?   She's found a very good Slovak bake shop (The ButterMaid Bakery) in Ohio and they'll soon be sending some hand-baked goodies my way. 
Thank You Suzanne    For all   (My Intuitive Cousin.)

December 12th   A  FedEx delivery surprise.  From NYC.   Gourmet cake and cookies from a New York landmark: RUSS  &  DAUGHTERS DELI.
Thank You Margaret & Noah  For keeping in touch (My thoughtful niece & her gourmet hubby.)

And from kind friends, family and neighbors came Holiday cards, emails, phone calls,  lots of Well Wishes; even a plate of Turkey leftovers.  Thank you for the kind outreach.  They all mean a lot, specially this year.

What Next ? 
Extraordinary Holiday's  2020  -  In A Year Like No Other.
In the midst of trying circumstances  Thanksgiving, and Christmas gifted some unusual experiences.