Welcome to Viki's Web Tribute
July 28th 2020 marks what would have been our 30th wedding anniversary. I assembled these
web pages to honor the Love of my Life. For almost 35 years we enjoyed each other's company
and I came to treasure Viki as bright, funny, unassuming, warm, romantic, sexy, stoic,
compassionate; a creative person, a deadly scrabble player and a whole bunch more.
With Love and a clarity of detail that occasionally takes me by surprise, some remembrances of a
special time with Viki simply bubble up to thought. It can feel bitter sweet and other times
calming, the best ones these days are humorous. Our chance meeting and passionate romance, the
exciting travels, fun and laughter, and the quiet comfort of just being in each other's company, Viki
truly was my soulmate and best friend. Because we shared so much together there are ubiquitous
reminders and emotional triggers. I do my share of pining for her. Daily.
Delivering Viki's eulogy was difficult, yet as I began to speak I felt her spirit with me. Anxiety
temporarily calmed. Afterwards, several attendees to her memorial shared supportive comments
and anecdotes. One, from her former coworker was particularly kind:
"I hope when my time comes someone will be able to write such a beautiful eulogy as you
did for Viki. Viki was always, for as long as I knew her, so grateful with the time she
spent with you Ron. She often said when she met you that was when she began to be
Funny, I always felt my happiness began when I met Viki.
Our love was deep, so much so it essentially divided my life. The time before I met Viki I think of
as my previous life. The time with her are my Happiest Days. I'm not sure what life will be
without her. We were inseparable. Heartache and sadness are sometimes just below the surface
and the added isolation from Corona Virus pandemic doesn't help.
I've lost many family members and friends over the years, yet this grief has been unique. I've
found myself passing through feelings of sadness, guilt, anger and denial, sometimes just
momentarily, other times lingering, and occasionally getting just plain stuck in one or more. I'm
learning to accept, even embrace them and know they pass and soften with time. And then there
are the up-lifting feelings. Remembrances that cause me to smile inside; and occasionally even
laugh outward. It's love, gratitude and happiness for life's time we shared. Those idealized
memories and the tender feelings will live in my heart forever.
I've included links to a few photos along with the eulogy notes. I hope you enjoy reading ( maybe
re-reading) the notes from which I spoke and that they convey some of the special person that was
my Beloved, Viki Joy.
Note: To celebrate Viki's birthday, (June 7th) some of her ashes were spread among our gardens and planters in Punta Gorda.
Future hopes are to scatter a portion of her remains at her parents' grave site in Kingston, NY, and to cast some into the
Delaware River in PA where her brother Mark and family live. Unfortunately those ceremonies are on hold due to Corona Virus
which has made travel a risky endeavor for now. 9-02-20